36 weeks
Baby is now the size of: A head of romaine lettuce. Baby is just under 6lbs and 18.5 inches.
Total weight gain: 23 lbs still. I remember staying the same weight for a few weeks with Solis around this time....and then the swelling kicked in. Crossing my fingers that doesn't happen with baby boy.
Maternity clothes: Same each week. Maternity jeans and basic shirts if I must look presentable or my regular old workout clothes for lounging around the house.
Sleep: Still great :)
Favorite meal this week: Nothing I made this week was amazing but you know what was? Going to someone's house for dinner and out to eat with my parents. Twice I didn't have to cook or do dishes and that is a victory in my book.
Cravings: Nothing has changed-all the bad sweets. Three nights in a row, I got dessert out. Thank goodness I like working out.
Exercise: After being sick, I eased back into it again. 2 days I ran outside for 30 minutes (finally nice enough to ditch the treadmill!!) and 2 days I did 30 minutes on the elliptical-my "lazy" workout.
Cravings: Nothing has changed-all the bad sweets. Three nights in a row, I got dessert out. Thank goodness I like working out.
Exercise: After being sick, I eased back into it again. 2 days I ran outside for 30 minutes (finally nice enough to ditch the treadmill!!) and 2 days I did 30 minutes on the elliptical-my "lazy" workout.
Pregnancy aches & pains: Right side rib pain :( Oh it aches when I sit down. I had rib pain for 13 weeks with Solis so at least this time it didn't start till later.
Worst moment this week: I try to think of something "funny bad" to write here but this week there wasn't anything I can complain/joke about. God is so good.
Best moment this week: My husband completely spoiled me and sent me to the spa for a massage and pedicure. And the icing on the cake? He asked for a list of things to do around the house while I was gone.
Looking forward to: Since I am in my last month (!!!), I have weekly baby appts so I am so excited to find out the status of baby boy's position. Also, Solis has her first 2 Easter egg hunts this week (she's doing 4 total!). She is so giddy about her Easter basket and new Easter dresses. I love that girl!